Product Sampling


To promote your products at the iconic Camden Passage, please make the appointment below.

We will provide you with a table and table cover, so please just bring your products and any marketing materials that you may have.

All the sampling sessions are held in front of our shop, as we do not have enough space inside. Although you will be under a roof, we do not recommend to have the session when the weather is terrible – perhaps you then consider cancelling your appointment.

PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT! If you use plastic sampling cups, then please ensure they are biodegradable!

There is no limit on how many times you can book; however, please honour your appointment, once it’s made!

Please email to if you have any questions!

See you soon!
February 2025
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
2728293031Very High Footfall...1High Footfall2
34567Very High Footfall...8High Footfall9
1011121314Very High Footfall...15High Footfall16
1718192021Very High Footfall...22High Footfall23
2425262728Very High Footfall...1High Footfall2